
Well it’s never too late to start again, right? We’ve been absent from pretty much all our online platforms for much of the summer. That doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy though. In fact this summer was pretty crazy as we’ve been getting geared up to deliver Blank Me to our manufacturer. Without further ado let’s see what the team has been up to.

Druid Crane

There are always growing pains to any company, and it would be dishonest to pretend that we haven’t had our share of them on our first big release of Blank Me. We tried to prepare where we could, but we’ve run into some snags where our manufacturer’s printing process doesn’t jive with our output files, and the tools we use to make the cards don’t jive with the manufacturer’s requirements. So, for me it’s been a hellish week trying to fix this.

Fortunately, that’s almost done, and everything’s going to look great. And there’s always a silver lining to misfortunes anyway–in this case, that being that I’ve learned a lot about RGB vs. CMYK, batch files and macros in Photoshop, and I know exactly what I’d do differently for the next project.

We’ve had our heads down getting Blank Me all dialed in, but the time to reach out to the community is now. We’ll be making much more of a social media presence from here on out, sharing the Blank Me progress and hopefully some of the many things we’ve got brewing at SSG.


As for me, I’m not quite out of CMYK hell yet, so I must away and venture back into my nightmare.

Occultist Chris

Hidden away in a muggy summertime crypt, this sweaty occultist has been munching on crunchy mechanics and concepts for a future TTRPG concept within the Ultimate RingWizards Universe (UWU). While the ghouls and gribblies in this ol’ noggin love the concepts, soon it will be time to reveal its raw uncensored virgin glory to my casting compatriots’ covetous clutches. The concept is based on a dice-pool success system that uses more than one kind of die facing, which hopefully will get everyone’s magic-motors running on all cylinders.

Magus Jeff

It’s been a while! I’ve been hard. at work spreadsheeting and doing business things for SSG. We’ve had a lot of great responses from the retailers that are on board and everyone has been very easy to work with. After an unfortunate amount of back and forth dealing with Gamefound’s new pledge manager set-up, it’s finally live! MAke sure to check it out for late pledge options – or to confirm your pledge if you’re already a backer. We’ve also got our product details finalized with a proper barcoding *cough* fuck monopolies *cough* and things are going well to get Blank Me in hands as soon as possible. I mean, how bad could international shipping during the holiday season be?

Arcanist Francis

This summer has been hectic. Juggling a new job along with helping the gang as much as I can with Blank Me has eaten up a lot of time. But that’s not all I’ve been up to. If you’ve read our updates before you’ve probably noticed some improvements to the website. 

I’ve been very busy updating all our site pages. Hopefully for our followers this will mean that our sites are easier to navigate and look a lot better as well. I’ll be continuing to make tweaks and improvements over the next few months. Ultimately, our goal will be to have a full fledged online store where you can find all of our games and with any luck at all some cool merch!